В защиту способности к одиночеству
Ключевые слова:
Владимир Мартынов; минимализм; время; темпоральность; репетитивность; конец времени композиторов; детерминизм; референциальность; телеология; значение музыки.
This article derives from a lecture given on Radio Free Berlin (Sender Freies Berlin) in 1983. It was published as part of a collection of Marquards’ papers, titled Skepticism and Agreement (Skepsis und Zustimmung). The articles of this collection specify and build on ideas fist articulated in the work Farewell to Matters of Principle (Abschied vom Prinzipiellen). The lecture In Defense of the Power Solitude addresses a broad audience. For this reason, the author does not indicate who his main opponents are, but a polemic with Jürgen Habermas’s theory of communicative action and Theodor Adorno’s critical theory can be traced in the text. The author argues with the popular critical theory approach to solitude, stating that the main problem of modernity is not in fact solitude, but rather the lack of capacity for solitude. In the first part of the article, the author deals with the sociocultural foundations for why solitude is an inevitable characteristic of modernity. In the second part of the article, the author describes how modern citizens try to avoid solitude, and points out that these attempts may produce the opposite results of what is intended. The third part of the article presents a detailed argumentation for why it is useless to try and avoid solitude. The author argues that solitude should be accepted, at least insofar as it allows for distancing oneself from reality in order to soberly assess it. This conclusion is articulated in the fourth and final part of the work, in which the author identifies the phenomena that cannot save one from solitude, but that contribute to the formation of a culture of capacity for solitude.